Tim Walz is a pro-choice EXTREMIST

Good morning Holy Scrollers!

It’s election season, which means it’s time for dirt to get dug up. We think you, as well-meaning and practicing Catholics, ought to hear this one about VP candidate Walz’s stance on abortion. Let’s dive in…

In this week’s edition:

  • Serious concerns over Tim Walz’s legislative record on abortion

  • Crackdown on Catholics continues in Nicaragua

  • Elective abortions near zero/mo. in Texas

  • A young man's perseverance in making his first Holy Communion

  • and more!

Office of Governor Tim Walz & Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Summary: In May 2023, Governor Tim Walz signed into law changes to a 1976 law regarding the handling of infants born alive as a result of an abortion. Pro-life groups say the changes could enable abortionists to allow live babies to die.


  • The 1976 law requires that “All reasonable measures…shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.”

  • The 2023 changes rephrase the end of that clause to say …”care for the infant who is born alive.”

  • Pro-life advocates are concerned that this small change in wording could have huge ramifications - namely, that born alive infants could be left to die while give the ‘care’ to ‘die comfortably’.

  • The same law also broadened the allowable circumstances for abortions, changed abortion reporting requirements, changed “pregnant woman” to “an individual with the intention of terminating”, and allows the use of state funds in abortions.

Why we care: We’re certainly not here to tell you how to vote, but it’s also pretty clear to us that no practicing Catholic can, with a clear conscience, vote for a ticket that so strongly stands on the side of death. If there was any doubt that VP Harris would throw her support behind the abortion lobby as president, this choice of VP only confirms it. Please continue to pray for our nation, for the conversion of souls, and for the culture of life to prevail.

Mperezpbro, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Summary: A wave of arrests beginning on July 26 has seen at least 12 Catholic priests detained by the Ortega regime in its persecution of the Catholic Church in Nicaragua.


  • The group is said to be under house arrest in the seminary in Managua.

  • Of the 12 priests and 1 deacon that were arrested, at least 3 priests and the deacon have been released.

  • The regime announced that 7 of the remaining 9 priests left the country and arrived at the Vatican.

  • Most of the group is from the Diocese of Matagalpa, which has seen its bishop and a large percentage of its clergy lost due to arrest or exile.

  • The persecutions started in 2018/19, and since then more than 20% of the country’s clergy (3 bishops included) have gone into exile.

  • This is the first incident since Bishop Alvarez was exiled at the beginning of the year.

Why we care: Firstly, the story is a good reminder that we ought to pray for our persecuted brethren not just in Nicaragua but across the world, that their suffering may come to an end, but also that it might glorify God and not be in vain. The story also brings to mind how fortunate we are in America to live in a country where we can freely practice our faith. We often talk in our newsletter about how “freedom of religion is under attack” - and rightly these affronts should be criticized - but we really are quite blessed. Our priests are not being arrested, kidnapped, or exiled; we’re free to attend Holy Mass without secrecy. Things could always be better, but perhaps this is a good opportunity to remember and thank God for the blessings we do have.

Nevit Dilmen, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Summary: A report from the two groups shows fewer than 70 elective abortions since Roe v. Wade was overturned and 0 over the past two years in Texas.


  • Prior to the Dobbs decision there were in excess of 2,000 abortions per month in Texas.

  • Elective abortions dropped off after the decision, perhaps in anticipation of (what was eventually) Texas’ Human Life Protection Act.

  • Since August 2022 when the act took affect, no elective abortions have been reported.

Why we care: Praise God! It’s wonderful and encouraging to see how effective pro-life culture, activism, and legislation can be in protecting the unborn. We’d love to see more of this in other states and across the world. Of course, as touched upon earlier, the pendulum could swing the other way depending on how the election goes, but our hope (and prayer) is that the nation will maintain a shred of morality and sanity and keep these abortion bans in place.

doe-oakridge, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Summary: Paul Gannucci, 21, consumes his food through a feeding tube and is thus unaccustomed to consuming solid food. Mr. Gannucci recently made his First Communion after 11 months of practicing to consume the Sacred Host.


  • Gannucci was born with a genetic disorder and had a feeding tube inserted at 3 months old.

  • He had expressed a desire to receive Holy Communion over the years, but faced challenges because of his physical condition.

  • His hunger only grew after making his first confession and seeing his niece make her first Holy Communion.

  • Gannucci and his parents practiced with unconsecrated hosts for 11 months, working up from small fragments to quarter-sized wafers.

  • Gannucci was confirmed and made his first Holy Communion on June 3, and has continued receiving the sacrament regularly since then.

Why we care: What a beautiful reminder of the incredible gift that the Eucharist is and how privileged most of us are to be able to receive our Lord weekly. Mr. Gannucci’s dedication serves as a wonderful reminder of what the Eucharist is, what it offers and the desire for Christ that ought to take over us. This week especially, as we celebrate the feast of St. Tarsicius, patron saint of first communicants, let us keep in mind the graces we receive in the Eucharist and be renewed of the hunger and thirst that ought to drive us towards the altar.

Saint of the Week

August 14

Patronage: drug addicts, prisoners, families, & the pro-life movement

[Mary] asked if I was willing to accept either of these crowns. The white one meant that I should persevere in purity, and the red that I should become a martyr. I said that I would accept them both.

St. Maximilian Kolbe

What’s going on:

  • Thursday, August 15th is The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Holy Day of Obligation.

  • Notable Feast Days

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